When peer review was first introduced in this class, I felt that I had a solid grasp on the concept. However, as time passed, I realized that I had overestimated my skill in peer review. I feel like I had not succeeded in helping my peer as well as I should have. By the time peer review for the second essay came along, I feel like I had improved greatly. In one of my reviews, I made multiple comments that I feel could have possibly made an impact on my peer’s revisions. For example, on my first peer review opportunity, I made a lot more local revisions instead of global revisions. On the contrary, my second peer review showed my improvement. For example, I showed initiative in attempting to give ideas on how to make a global edit. I wrote, “I would try to think of another risk factor that you could expand upon in your naysayer paragraph”. Although this is rather vague, I believe that it helped my peer change their essay for the better. This improvement in peer review most definitely shows that I have successfully completed Learning Outcome 4, which states, “Be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process”. Therefore, I think that I have made a great improvement in revision but I can only get better with this skill.