In my selected writing project, I made a great effort in successfully select, integrate, and explain quotes that can properly be used in the terms of that prompt. For this particular essay, I found multiple quotes that fit it well with the claims of my essay. In the first body paragraph of the my Multi-modal Paper, I think that I successfully incorporated not one, but two quotes that beautifully supported my claim for that paragraph and this made my paper much more supportive of the prompt as a result of this. In this paragraph, I utilized the Barclay paragraph template, one of the types of paragraph that we spoke about in depth in class. I am glad that we spent some time in class reviewing this type of quote-inclusive paragraph because I think that it definitely allowed me to form a much stronger paragraph. Also, the decision to not include a Barclay paragraph in my previous essays may have hindered my argument, because the addition of the other side of an argument allows you to boost your own claims. I also utilized the TRIAC paragraph structure in other paragraphs of this essay, as well as previous essays, to successfully introduce the author, include a quote, explain the quote, and then intertwine that author’s ideas with my own. Learning Outcome 2 states that a student should “Be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources”. I think that I have done a good job at doing what the Learning Outcome asks of me. Overall, as the semester has run its course, I have made great progress in my ability to select, integrate, and explain quotes successfully.