When the semester began and my English 110 class began to discuss revision as part of the writing process, I believed that I had a firm grasp on the concept. However, as the rough draft of my first paper was completed, and revision of that draft was required. I realized that the level of skill I believed I had for revision was greatly overrated. My final draft of the first essay did not come out the way I wanted it, and I was not capable of accomplishing the revision goals that I wanted, which led to a grade that was a bit below what I thought I was going to receive. However, the lack of skill in revision was not in local revision, but in global revision. I had trouble switching up sentences or even paragraphs because I believed that if I moved things around, then my paper would not have the same flow or meaning. However, as I approached the revision for my second paper, I realized that I had to move a paragraph and even split paragraphs in half in order to make my paper the best that I believed it could have been at the time. This tactic of utilizing proper global revision definitely payed off, as my grade for the second paper increased compared the first paper’s mark. This shows that I have done a great job at successfully doing what Learning Outcome 1 states, which is, “Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision).” To bring all of this together, I think that I made great improvements in the revision step of the writing process.