B. Summary
Jonah Lehrer’s main argument in “The Future of Science… Is Art?” is that art is a very important tool that can be used to help understand things that are rather difficult to comprehend sometimes. He believes that art should have its own place along the likes of different sciences like physics and neurology. He thinks that with art on its side, science can makes leaps forward into understanding and discovering new things, and I agree with this. Art is sometimes overlooked in today’s world as something that would not help with science, but it really does. It helps us imagine and discover things we would not think we could before.
C. Glossing
- Reductionism is basically describing something complex by using things that are simpler, while still holding the same meaning (Dictionary).
- An epiphenomenon is a secondary effect or byproduct that arises from but does not causally influence a process (Dictionary).
- A holistic perspective is a perspective in which multiple factors are taken into account to generate a picture of a culture as a whole (www.study.com).
Great! Here you’ve got another interesting point: ” [art] helps us imagine and discover things we would not think we could before.”
Keep up the good work!